
Plastic Surgery

Mommy Makeover


Reward Yourself


You have given so much to your children and family, you deserve to turn a little of the focus on you. Reward yourself with a safe, doctor-approved combination of surgeries to return to your pre-pregnancy body – or better. To find out more call the Center for Plastic Surgery and ask about their body rejuvenation package, or Mommy Makeover. You can trust Baylor Medicine's plastic surgeons with their commitment to safety, pride in their work, and concentration on your well-being.


Your First Appointment


Upon arriving for your initial consultation appointment, you and your doctor will discuss all of the options available. We can combine any number of procedures, from breast lift to thigh lift, and face lift to tummy tuck.

Some of the more common procedures are breast lift, breast reduction, tummy tuck, thigh lift, liposuction, neck lift, eye lift, face lift, and breast augmentation. Whatever concerns you most about your appearance will be thoroughly discussed and reviewed with your doctor.

Call (713) 798-6141 for a consultation.