General Information
Please visit our central patient information page for information on insurance, pay online, billing, hotel/motel guide, customer service, privacy practices (HIPAA), and forms including general health, Authorization for Release of Protected Health Information (medical records), and Patient Relationship Agreement.
Alzheimer's Patient Forms
Clinical Trials & Research
- Baylor Medicine Alzheimer's Disease Clinical Trials
International Organizations
National Organizations
State Organizations
- -
Houston Area Organizations
Social Networks
Caregivers & Senior Communities
Hiring Home Help
At the top of the page is a menu. Click the menu item "Online Services" then click "Search Our Records and Documents." This will take you to a page named "Search Our Records and Documents." Click the "Background Check" tab and perform your search.
Hospice Organizations
Nursing Home Services
- Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services of Aging and Disability Services Consumer Information Hotline (800) 458-9858
Houston Area Guides/Directories of Services
Driving and Alzheimer's Disease
Driving Evaluations
Identification Bracelet and National Registry for Persons with Memory Loss
Legal Information
Organizing Your Affairs
Medications & Mental Health
Medication Discount Programs
Medication Patient Assistance Programs
Substance Abuse Among Older Adults
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (800) 729-6686 or (301) 468-2600