What is the aim of this study?We are recruiting families with children aged 8 to 11 years old to help us learn about children鈥檚 screen use and sleep鈥
Type 2 diabetes used to be known as 鈥渁dult-onset鈥 diabetes and was thought to mostly affect people later in life. Now, more children are being鈥
BackgroundIn response to the growing concern surrounding childhood obesity, we are thrilled to introduce a Phase 1 FDA-regulated clinical trial aimed鈥
Smith-Magenis Syndrome (SMS) is a genetic syndrome caused by mutations in the RAI1 gene or deletions of the 17p11.2 chromosome.鈥
Adolescents and young adults (ages12-17 years; normal weight and overweight) with and without type 2 diabetes are invited to participate in a鈥
RM-493-034: A 2-Stage (Open-Label Run-In Followed by Randomized Withdrawal), Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Phase 2 Study of Setmelanotide In鈥
Long Term Extension Trial Of Setmelanotide (RM-493) For Patients Who Have Completed A Trial Of Setmelanotide For The Treatment Of Obesity Associated鈥
The goal of this study is to establish a database of pediatric patients with early-onset obesity who have been phenotypically well-characterized鈥
The purpose of this study is to examine the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of a technology-based intervention that uses a鈥
The goal of this study is to examine the effects of an acute bout of sedentary behaviors on cardiometabolic outcomes and energy metabolism in Latino鈥