

Student Achievement Data: Master of Science, Clinical Scientist Training Program


For an explanation of each metric view Student Achievement Data. Disaggregated data can be found on Data Dashboards.

Master of Science-Clinical Scientist Training Program
Student Achievement MetricThreshold of Acceptability3-Year Average (2021-2023) MS-CSTP
Graduation Rate180%
  • 70.8% (3-year)
  • 79.2% (4.5-year)
Retention Rate280%87.6%
Time to Degree33 years2.2 years
Job Placement / Advanced Training at GraduationN/A***N/A*

1Graduation rates are based on the matriculation cohorts of academic years (AYs) 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19, with program completion targets set at 3 years for 100% of the time to degree and 4.5 years for 150% time to degree. Leave of Absences are included.

2Retention rate tracks the matriculant cohorts of AYs 2019-20, 2020-21, and 2021-22. Leave of Absences are included.

3Time to degree is based on the graduating classes of AYs 2020-21, 2021-22, and 2022-23. 
*Students (senior residents, fellows and junior faculty) are already employed.