²ÝÁñÉçÇøÈë¿Ú postdocs are supported by grants and contracts or unrestricted funds. Funding for postdoctoral associates and fellows is provided by the faculty mentor.
Baylor Sponsored Programs Office
The (Baylor login required) provides multiple workshops throughout the year to assist researchers in the pre-award processing and progress reporting of grants and contracts. For postdocs, sponsored programs’ offers a one-hour workshop to assist with finding grants and possible collaborators or co-mentors.
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Dean’s Award for Excellence
The Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences offers the one-time, $3,000 Dean’s Award of Excellence to postdoctoral fellows and postdoctoral associates who receive an eligible fellowship award. Requirements are as follows:
·Fellowship must be obtained from a federal or state agency and/or private foundation via a nationally competitive application process
·Fellowship must provide at least two-thirds (2/3) of the postdoc’s stipend
·Applicants for the Dean’s Award must be current GSBS postdoctoral fellows or postdoctoral associates with an active postdoctoral appointment via the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs to be eligible to apply
·Applicants must have at least 12 months remaining in their current training position
·Award applications must be submitted within 90 days of the award start date
·Recipients of institutional training grant support (e.g. T32, R25, K12) are not eligible
Requests for applications for the Dean’s Award of Excellence can be obtained from GSBS-Help, and should be submitted after the fellowship payments to the trainee have been initiated.
Program | Deadline | Program Synopsis |
varies | AAUW offers five grant programs for women, including American and International Fellowships. | |
January | Two-year $100,000 grants support new and early career scientists entering the field of brain tumor research. | |
April 1, Oct.15 | Supports postdoctoral training in cancer research, including basic, pre-clerkship, clinical, cancer control, psychosocial, behavioral, epidemiology, health services and health policy research. Applicants must be U.S. citizens, noncitizen nationals, or permanent residents. | |
Jan. 15 for most postdoctoral programs | Multiple award mechanisms available for postdoctoral research. Applicant generally must be U.S. citizen or have (or have applied for) permanent resident status. | |
varies | AFAR offers several grant programs that support postdoctoral research in aging. | |
January | Supports research related to cardiovascular function and disease and stroke, or to related clinical, basic science, bioengineering or biotechnology, and public health problems, including multidisciplinary efforts. Applicant must have less than five years postdoctoral research training or experience and be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident or have a specified visa type. | |
January | The investigator-initiated grant program offers an annual postdoctoral fellowship award. Eligibility is limited to those who have been a fellow for one year or less. The maximum amount awarded is $50,000 per year for two years. | |
varies | The BWF grantmaking strategies are to support biomedical scientists at the beginning of their careers and to make grants in areas of science that are poised for significant advancement but currently undervalued and underfunded. Awards for Postdoctoral Fellows include Career Awards for Medical Scientists and Career Awards at the Scientific Interface. | |
July for letter of intent | Basic Biomedical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Training Awards support training under a designated mentor/advisor in a basic biomedical field related to HIV/AIDS. Training award applicants must be U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or hold a J1, H1-B, or other valid U.S. visa appropriate for study or conducting research. | |
April 1 Oct. 1 | Supports qualified young scientists at leading universities and research centers around the world who wish to receive training in cancer immunology or general immunology. | |
Feb. 1 | Supports full time postdoctoral research into the causes, origin, and treatment of cancer. Applicants in general should not have more than one year of postdoctoral experience. | |
Second Wednesday in September | Awards are offered to M.D.s, Ph.D.s, and M.D./Ph.D.s interested in conducting basic or clinical research related to cystic fibrosis. U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status is required. | |
March 15 Aug. 15 | The Foundation encourages all theoretical and experimental research relevant to the study of cancer and the search for cancer causes, mechanisms, therapies and prevention. Candidates who have already accepted a postdoctoral research fellowship award are not eligible. | |
August | Provides an award to a principal investigator of $120,000 over two years to appoint a Postdoctoral Fellow in environmental chemistry. | |
October for letter of intent | A two-year fellowship of $50,000 per year is designed to assist post-doctoral fellows establish careers in research relevant to dystonia. | |
November | Provides the opportunity to build a foundation in one of the core disciplines represented within the Earth Institute (social sciences, earth sciences, biological sciences, engineering sciences and health sciences), while acquiring the cross-disciplinary expertise and breadth needed to address critical issues related to sustainable development and reducing environmental degradation, poverty, hunger and disease. | |
varies | Offers several postdoctoral fellowships: Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Behavioral Sciences Post-Doctoral Fellowship, and Research and Training Fellowship for Clinicians. | |
March | Supports postdoctoral researchers under 35 years of age working in ethology, paleontology, archaeology, anthropology, psychology, epistemology, logic and the neurosciences, and other disciplines relevant to the foundation. The award funds work at a French laboratory. | |
Feb. 1 | Grants and fellowships aims to encourage research aimed at finding a specific treatment for fragile X syndrome. FRAXA will offer a limited number of postdoctoral fellowships this year at a fixed rate of $45,000 per year. | |
December | Fellowships at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, support investigator-designed, independent research projects by scientists early in their career. Supported approaches include neurophysiology, biophysics, integrative neurobiology, neuroethology, neuroanatomy, neuropharmacology, systems neuroscience, cellular and developmental neurobiology,computational approaches to neural systems, and epilepsy-related research. Open to U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and J-1 or H-1B visa holders. | |
July | JDRF supports researchers interested in solving the clinical and scientific problems associated with type 1 diabetes. Funding opportunities include postdoctoral and advanced postdoctoral fellowships. | |
Jan. 15 | Fellowships support basic research in mammalian reproductive biology as related to the regulation of fertility. Potential fellows should not have held the doctoral degree more than two years. |
Research Resources
Research facilities and training are key to the success of your work. Through the Office of Research, the Advanced Technology Cores, the and other entities, postdocs have access to extensive facilities and training opportunities designed to support your research.