

Fundamentals of Clinical Investigation


Course Information


The Fundamentals of Clinical Investigation course is held every August, Monday-Thursday. from 5:30–7:30 p.m. (the start time for some evenings is 5 p.m.). The objective of the course is to train physicians to interpret the clinical experimental literature. This course is open and free to all Baylor personnel. Any student enrolled in a CSTP program, or who wish to enroll in a coming year, must enroll in FCI for credit. Non-CSTP students my either take the course for credit or enroll as an audit student. The table below compares the two options.

2024 Dates: July 29 - Aug. 15. Class meets in Alkek N315.

Registration is open from June 1 to July 10, 2024.

Group Presentations
Participants will be assigned to groups, each of which will critique a clinical research article and present this critique to the class in the last class session. This activity is optional for audit students, but highly recommended.

To register for the course, download the appropriate registration form. Completed registration forms, signed by both the student and student's supervisor (not the program admin), may be emailed to Dyani Banda.

Snacks are served at 5:15 p.m. and the first lecture commences at 5:30 p.m.

Do I take the class for credit or do I audit?
Course ElementSpecial Student (Credit)Audit Student
Enrolling in CSTP in the futureTake for creditN/A
GSBS Credits Earned30
AttendanceRequired: A maximum of two absences is allowedAs required by your program
Group PresentationRequiredParticipation optional: Those not presenting attend and ask questions
Final ExamRequiredOptional