Participation in college-wide organizations helps students to build leadership skills and creates opportunities for students to impact Baylor and our larger community. If you are interested in joining a college-wide organization, send your inquiries to the contacts listed below. If you are interested in starting your own organization, we strongly encourage you to submit an to the Student Services Committee. Calls for applications occur twice per year, in January and August, and will be announced on the Intranet and in the Student Commons newsletter.
College-Wide Student Organizations Sponsored by the Office of Student and Trainee Services
- BCM Pride: Interested in joining? Contact Cort Wernz or Christopher Grochowski.
- Block the Blaze: Interested in joining? Contact Dina Zami or Shangyi Fu.
- Intellectual Property Interest Group: Interested in joining? Contact Navish Bosquez or Jonathan Tiessen.
- Petri: Interested in joining? Contact Mayuri Patel or Juan Romero.
- PUGS: Pick Up Games Society: Interested in joining? Contact Anthony Hoang or Ronald Franzen.
- Water Polo Club: Interested in joining? Contact Matthew Milad or Colton Andrews.
College-Wide Organizations Sponsored by the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
- Association for Graduate Student Diversity
- Black Scientist Collective
- Christians in Scientific Research
- Got Spoons?
- Graduate Student Council
- Hispanic Women in Science
- International Student Association
- Med-Peds Interest Group
- Postdoctoral Association
- Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science at BCM
- STEM Education Interest Group
- Taekwondo Club
- Taiwanese Student and Scholar Association
- Texas Taiwanese Biotechnology Association
View more information about joining the above Graduate School Student Organizations.
College-Wide Organizations Sponsored by the School of Medicine
- Badminton Club
- Baylor Hillel
- BCM Pride
- Climbing & Outdoor Adventure Group
- Medical Students for Choice
- Medical Students for Life
- Public Health Interest Group
- Running Club
- Tennis Club
- TEACH (Taking Educational Action in Community Health)
TMC Wide
- American Society for Microbiology
- Association of Women in Science
- Climbing Club
- Eventure
- Hispanic Women in Science
- Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)-BCM Chapter
- Texas Taiwanese Biotechnology Association