Check your computer settings:
- Wireless or Dial-up Connections are NOT recommended
- Always use a hard-wired connection while taking tests in Blackboard
- High-speed access is strongly recommended!
- Make sure your computer is free of viruses and/or spyware
Browser Versions:
- Use the newer versions of Firefox, Google Chrome
- Internet Explorer or Edge browsers are not recommended
- Add Blackboard as a trusted site in each browser you use:
- See your browser鈥檚 Help menu for specific instructions
Close all other programs running on your computer before you start a Blackboard exam. Do not take a test with other applications running in the background, such as movies, music, e鈥恗ail, or IM (instant messaging).
Be certain that you are ready to take the test and set aside time in which you will be free from interruptions BEFORE clicking on the link to the test.
Do not enter any test or exam until you are ready to take it! Once you click 鈥淏egin鈥 to enter a test, Blackboard counts this as an attempt at the test, even if you only look at the test and do not answer any questions. (Your instructor is the only one who can clear an incomplete attempt from your record) Find out the dates that the test will be available in the course and take your test as soon as you are ready. DO NOT wait until the last day to take a test in Blackboard. (If you have technical difficulties or lose your connection, there may not be enough time for you to resolve the issue, and you may not be permitted to complete or re鈥恡ake your exam.)