

Faculty Affairs & Development Workshop Calendar


Registration Policies


Registration is required for all events. For registration questions, please email Deborah Fernandez at faced@bcm.edu.


Mentoring Refresher: Assessing Understanding of Mentees with Jane Grande-Allen (Rice) RESCHEDULED

Organized by the Gulf Coast Consortia (GCC)

Tuesday, March 4Noon - 1:30 p.m.Virtual

SCOARE Faculty Workshop: Enhance Your Mentorship Skills

The Scientific Communication Advances Research Excellence (SCOARE) Faculty Workshop is being held on two half-days. This in-person workshop will provide faculty with practical strategies to support mentees in writing, speaking, and presenting, while also fostering motivation, productivity, and effective feedback. This workshop fulfills the BCM continued mentor training requirement and is a valuable opportunity to strengthen your mentorship skills and enhance your role in guiding the next generation of researchers.

Tuesday, March 25 and Thursday, March 279 am - NoonMain Baylor, Alkek Building, N104