
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Neuropsychiatry 草榴社区入口


Faculty of the Beth K. and Stuart C. Yudofsky Division of Neuropsychiatry contribute to the clinical programs at 草榴社区入口 and several of its affiliates in the Texas Medical Center.

These include inpatient, outpatient and consultative services at:


Clinical Programs


Division faculty contribute to clinical programs at 草榴社区入口 and its affiliates serving adults with a broad range of psychiatric and neurological conditions, many of which are described in part in the body of this report. A subset of these services is designed specifically to provide neuropsychiatric evaluation and treatment using a BNNP subspecialist model. These include the clinical programs provided by division faculty at TIRR Memorial Hermann, MEDVAMC, and The Menninger Clinic, as well as the nascent Neuropsychiatry Clinic at Baylor for which a faculty member is being recruited. The table below briefly describes the neuropsychiatry-focused clinical services provided by division faculty at these sites.

Neuropsychiatry Clinical Programs at Baylor and its Affiliates and Their Division Faculty Leaders
Clinical ServiceFacultyFocus
Inpatient Behavioral Neurology & Neuropsychiatry Consultation Service, Rehabilitation Neuropsychiatry Program, TIRR Memorial Hermann

David B. Arciniegas, M.D.


TBI, stroke, other rehabilitation-requiring acquired brain injuries
Neuropsychiatry Clinic, Mental Health Care Line, Michael E. DeBakey VAMCRicardo E. Jorge, M.D.TBI, stroke, PTSD, neurodegenerative disorders
Cognitive Disorders Clinic, Neurology Care Line, Michael E. DeBakey VAMC

Sharyl Martini, M.D.

Ricardo E. Jorge, M.D.

Stroke, Neurodegeneration
Outpatient Assessment Service, The Menninger ClinicJoshua Rodgers, M.D.Comprehensive psychiatric assessment
Comprehensive Psychiatric Assessment Service, The Menninger ClinicBenjamin Weinstein, M.D.Complex and/or refractory psychiatric disorders, co-morbid psychiatric and neurological disorders
Neuropsychiatry Clinic, Baylor ClinicTBD (actively recruiting)Acquired and neurodegenerative neurological conditions with cognitive, emotional, and/or behavioral features