Research Grants
See listings and details on our current grants and completed grants in the area of Research of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
Title: Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma and Gene Therapy in Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis
Funding Source: Foundation for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
PI: Prathap Jayaram, M.D.
Dates of Funding: 11/1/18 to 10/31/20
Project Direct Costs: $10,000
Title: SCH: INT: Novel Textile Based Sensors for Inner Prosthetic Socket Environment Monitoring
Funding Source: National Science Foundation
Co-PI: Michael Lee, M.D., MHA (Co-PI: Alper Y. Bozkurt)
Dates of Funding: 9-1-16 to 8-31-20
Title: Long-Term Impact of Military-Relevant Brain Injury Consortium (LIMBIC)
Funding Source: Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs
Co-I: Mary Newsome, Ph.D.
Dates of Funding: 10/01/19 鈥 09/30/23
Annual Direct Costs: $204,749
Title: Loneliness and its Relation to Health in People with Spinal Cord Injury
Funding Source: Department of Defense (DOD)
PI: Susan Robinson-Whelen, Ph.D.
Dates of Funding: 2019 鈥 September 2022
Title: Promoting the Psychological Health of Women with SCI: A Virtual World Intervention, site-specific project of the Texas Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Model Systems
Funding Source: National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation
Research (NIDILRR)
PI: Susan Robinson-Whelen, Ph.D.
Dates of Funding: 2016-2021
Title: Enhancing 草榴社区入口 for Women with Spinal Cord Injury through a Web-based Information Resource
Funding Source: Craig H. Neilsen Foundation
Co-I: Susan Robinson-Whelen, Ph.D.
Dates of Funding: 2018-2021
Title: Texas Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Model Systems
Funding Source: National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation
Research (NIDILRR)
Co-I: Susan Robinson-Whelen
Dates of Funding: 2016-2021
Title: Improving Outcomes for Care Partners of Persons With Traumatic Brain Injury
Funding Source: National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Nursing Research
Site PI: Angelle Sander, Ph.D. (PI: Noelle Carlozzi, University of Michigan)
Dates of Funding: 2020-2025
Project Direct Cost: $512,370 entire period
Title: Texas Traumatic Brain Injury Model System of TIRR
Funding Source: National Institute on Disability Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research
Co-PI: Angelle Sander, Ph.D. (also PI for project 鈥淗ealth Literacy After TBI and Impact on Outcomes鈥)
Dates of funding: 2017-2022
Project Direct Cost: $2,315.000 entire period
Title: Characterization and Treatment of Chronic Pain After Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Funding Source: National Institute on Disability Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research
Site PI: Angelle Sander, Ph.D. (PI: Cynthia Harrison-Felix, Craig Hospital)
Dates of funding: 2018-2023
Project Direct Costs: $105,600
Title: Long-Term Impact of Military-Relevant Brain Injury Consortium (LIMBIC) Core Study 1: Longitudinal Cohort Study on Late Neurologic Effects of OEF/OIF/OND Combat
Funding Source: Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs
Site PI: Randall Scheibel, Ph.D. (PI: David Cifu, M.D.)
Dates of Funding: 9/30/2019-9/29/2024
Project Direct Costs: $1,862,120
Title: Cognitive Control-Related Brain Activation in Veterans and Service Members with PTSD
Funding Source: Department of Veterans Affairs
PI: Randall Scheibel, Ph.D.
Dates of Funding: 10/1/18-3/31/22
Project Direct Costs: $805,000
Title: Neuroimaging-Based Identification of Traumatic Brain Injury Subtypes
Source: Department of Veterans Affairs
Co-Primary Mentor : Randall Scheibel, Ph.D.
Dates of Funding: 10/1/2018-9/31/2023
Project Direct Costs: $1,006,007
Title: The Epidemiology of Epilepsy and Traumatic Brain Injury: Severity, Mechanisms, and Outcomes
Funding Source: Department of Defense
Co-I: Randall Scheibel, Ph.D.
Dates of Funding: 9/30/16-9/29/20
Project Direct Costs: $2,199,000
Title: Optimizing Bacteriuria Management After SCI
Funding Source: VA Historically Black Colleges and Universities Career Development Award (HSR&D)
PI: Felicia Skelton, M.D.
Dates of Funding: 11-1-2017 to 10-31-2022
Project Direct Costs: $247,042
Title: Bacteriophage to Treat Multi-Drug Resistant UTI in Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury
Funding Source: VA RR&D Merit
Co-I: Felicia Skelton, M.D. (PI: Barbara Trautner)
Dates of Funding: 3-1-19 to 2-28-2023
Project Direct Costs: $244,348
Title: A longitudinal study of chronic TBI in OEF/OIF/OND veterans and service members
Funding Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs
Co-I: Mary Newsome, Ph.D. (PIs: Randall S. Scheibel, Elisabeth Wilde: 草榴社区入口)
Dates of funding: 07/01/13-8/30/16
Project Direct Cost: $1,100,000
Title: Does Recovery of the Brain from Sports Concussion Coincide with Return to Play Guidelines?
Funding Agency: NIH: National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Co-I: Mary Newsome, Ph.D. (PIs: Harvey Levin, 草榴社区入口, Pramod Dash, Summer Ott, University of Texas McGovern Medical School)
Dates of funding: 12/01/13-11/30/15
Project Direct Cost: $305,886
Title: Automated Assessment of White Matter Integrity in TBI Using Machine Learning
Funding Agency: Department of Veterans鈥 Affairs
Co-I: Mary Newsome, Ph.D. (PI: Brian Taylor: 草榴社区入口)
Dates of funding: 04/01/14-03/31/16
Project Direct Cost: $192,400
Title: Neuroimaging Meditation Therapy in Veterans with Co-morbid Mild TBI and PTSD
Funding Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs
PI: Mary Newsome. Ph.D.
Dates of funding: 01/02/15-6/30/16)
Project Direct Cost: $199,900
Title: An fMRI Study of Deployment-Related TBI in Veterans and Service Members
Funding Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs
Co-I: Mary Newsome Ph.D. (PIs: Harvey Levin, Randall Scheibel, 草榴社区入口)
Dates of funding: 01/01/2014 鈥 03/31/2018
Project Direct Cost: $1,001,000
Title: Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium (CENC) Virginia Commonwealth University, Neuroimaging Core
Funding Agency: CDMRP/ DoD and Department of Veterans Affairs
Co-I: Mary Newsome, Ph.D. (PI: Elisabeth Wilde: University of Utah)
Dates of funding: 9/30/13 鈥 9/30/18
Project Direct Cost: 1,019,325
Title: Investigating the Networks of Temporal Context Memory in TBI and Healthy Controls
Funding Source: Mission Connect (Texas Institute for Rehabilitative Research)
Co-I: Mary Newsome, Ph.D. (PI: Simon Fischer-Baum: Rice Unversity)
Dates of funding: 03/01/19 鈥 02/28/21
Annual Direct Costs: $59,628
Title: The Relations among Pain, Depression, and Resilience and their Prediction of Life Satisfaction in Men and Women with Spinal Cord Injury
Funding Source: National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR)
Co-I: Susan Robinson-Whelen, Ph.D.
Dates of funding: 2015鈥2019 (2018-2019 is NCE)
Title: Development of an eHealth Group Weight Management Intervention for People with Spinal Cord Injury
Funding Source: Craig H. Neilsen Foundation
PI: Susan Robinson-Whelen, Ph.D.
Dates of Funding: 2016鈥2018
Title: Partnering with People with Intellectual Disabilities to Address Violence (Award# H133G130219)
Funded Source: National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research
Co-I: Susan Robinson-Whelen (PI: , Rosemary Hughes, Ph.D., University of Montana, Missoula, MT)
Dates of Funding: 2013-2016, with no-cost extension for 2016-2017
Title: Development of a Virtual Reality Weight Management Intervention for Women with Mobility Impairments
Funding Source: National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)
Co-I and Project Director: Susan Robinson-Whelen
Funding Dates: 2012鈥2015.
Title: Examining Determinants of Negative Attribution Bias in People with Traumatic Brain Injury
Funding Source: National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research
Site PI: Angelle Sander, Ph.D. (PI: Dawn Neumann, Indiana University)
Dates of Funding: 2015-2018
Project Direct Costs: $80,488
Title: Multicenter Evaluation of Memory Remediation After Traumatic Brain Injury With Donepezil (MEMRI-TBI-D)
Funding Source: National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research
Co-PI: Angelle Sander, Ph.D. (David Arciniegas, BCM)
Dates of Funding: 2013-2018
Project Direct Costs: $2,804,351
Title: Transforming Research and Knowledge in Traumatic Brain Injury-2
Funding Source: National Institutes of Health
Co-I: Angelle Sander, Ph.D. (PI: Geoff Manley, University of California- San Francisco)
Dates of Funding: 2013-2018
Project Direct Costs: $289,171
Title: Quality of Life in Caregivers of Traumatic Brain Injury: Care-QOL
Funding Source: Department of Defense
Site PI: Angelle Sander, Ph.D. (PI: Noelle Carlozzi, U of Michigan)
Dates of Funding: 2016-2018
Project Direct Costs: $15,944
Title: Quality of Life in Caregivers of Traumatic Brain Injury: CareQOL
Funding Source: National Institutes of Health
Site PI: Angelle Sander, Ph.D. (PI: Noelle Carlozzi, U. Michigan)
Dates of Funding: 2012-2017
Project Costs: $68,485
Title: Texas Traumatic Brain Injury Model System
Funding Source: National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research
Co-PI: Angelle Sander, Ph.D. (also PI for clinical trial 鈥淓ffectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Reducing Emotional Distress and Improving Participation After TBI
Dates of Funding: 2012-2017
Project Direct Costs: $1,945,650
Title: Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Developing Strategies to Foster Community Integration and Participation for Individuals With Traumatic Brain Injury
Funding Source: National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research
PI: Angelle Sander, Ph.D.
Dates of Funding: 2009-2014
Project Direct Costs: $3,845,572
Title: The Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium (CENC) Core Study 1: Longitudinal Cohort Study on Late Neurologic Effects of OEF/OIF/OND Combat
Funding Source: Department of Veterans Affairs
Site- PI: Randall Scheibel, Ph.D.
Dates of Funding: 10/01/14-9/30/19
Project Direct Costs: $1,556,700
Title: Shared Equipment Evaluation Program Grant - Imaging Core: Request for an MRI System
Funding Source: Department of Veterans Affairs
PI: Randall Scheibel, Ph.D.
Dates of Funding: 01/01/18-09/30/18
Project Direct Costs: $1,475,652
Title: A Longitudinal Study of Chronic TBI in OEF/OIF/OND Veterans and Service Members
Funding Source: Department of Veterans Affairs
PI: Randall Scheibel, Ph.D.
Dates of funding: 7/1/2013-6/30/2018
Project Direct Costs: $1,100,000
Title: An fMRI Study of Deployment-Related TBI in Veterans and Service Member
Funding Source: Department of Veterans Affairs
Co- PI: Randall Scheibel
Dates of Funding: 07/01/14-06/30/18
Project Direct Costs: $1,001,000
Title: Understanding Brain Activity Patterns in Individuals with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Funding Source: The Moody Endowment
PI: Randall Scheibel, Ph.D.
Dates of Funding: 07/01/2017-06/30/2018
Project Direct Costs: $45,014
Title: Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium (CENC). Imaging Core
Funding Source: Department of Veterans Affairs/Office of the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP)
Co-I: Randall Scheibel, Ph.D.
Dates of Funding: 10/01/13 鈥 09/30/18
Project Direct Costs: $1,450,000
Title: An Adjunct Treatment for Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Funding Source: Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center (MEDVAMC) Seed Grant Award
PI: Randall Scheibel, Ph.D.
Dates of Funding: 10/01/16 鈥 09/30/17
Project Direct Costs: $25,000
Title: Assessment of White Matter Integrity in TBI using Machine Learning
Funding Source: Department of Veterans Affairs
Co-I: Randall Scheibel, Ph.D.
Dates of Funding: 04/01/14-03/31/16
Project Direct Costs: $192,400
Title: Re-Walk for Home Use in SCI
Funding Source: VA Cooperative Study #2003
Co-Site PI: Felicia Skelton, M.D. (Co-Chairs- Ann Spungen and William Baumann)
Dates of Funding: 9-2016 to 7-8-2019
Title: Building Community-Engaged Multidisciplinary Partnerships to Improve Medication Management in Elderly Patients With Multiple Chronic Conditions
Funding Source: PCORI
Co-I: Felicia Skelton, M.D. (PI: Ivy Poon)
Dates of Funding: 1-1-2018 to 6-30-2018
Our department faculty research is published in many journals. See a listing of notable articles below.
Ahn JH, Lee HY, Kang H, Lee MY, Kang DR, Yoon SH. Early Intra-articular Corticosteroid Injection Improves Pain and Function in Adhesive capsulitis of the Shoulder: 1-Year Retrospective Longitudinal Study. PMR 2018;10(1):19-27.
Carlozzi NE, Kallen MA, Hanks R, Hahn EA, Brickell TA, Lange RT, French LM, Kratz AL, Tulsky DS, Cella D, Miner JA, Ianni PA, Sander AM. The TBI-CareQOL Measurement System: Development and preliminary validation of health-related quality of life measures for caregivers of civilians and service members/veterans with traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2019;100 (Supplement):S1-S12.
Carlozzi NE, Lange RT, French LM, Sander AM, Ianni PA, Tulsky DS, Miner JA, Kallen MA, Brickell TA. Understanding health-related quality of life in caregivers of civilians and service members/veterans with traumatic brain injury: Reliability and validity data for the TBI-CareQOL measurement system. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2019;100(Supplement):S85-S93.
Carlson M, Vigen CLP, Rubayi S, Blanche EI, Blanchard J, Atkins M, Bates-Jensen B, Garber SL, Pyatak EA, Diaz J, Florindez LI, Hay JW, Mallinson T, Unger JB, Azen SP, Scott M, Cogan A, Clark F.. Lifestyle intervention for adults with spinal cord injury: Results of the USC-RLANRC Pressure Ulcer Prevention Study. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine 2019; 42:2-19.
Clark F, Pyatak EA, Carlson M, Blanche EI, Vigen C, Hay J, Mallinson T, Blanchard J, Unger JB, Garber SL, et al. Implementing trials of complex interventions in community settings: The USC_Rancho Los Amigos pressure ulcer prevention study (PUPS). Clinical Trials 2014;0:1-12.
Cogan AM, Blanchard J, Garber SL, Vigen C, Carlson M. Systematic review of behavioral and educational interventions to prevent pressure ulcers in adults with spinal cord injury. Clinical Rehabilitation. 2016:1-10.
Dashtipour K, Chen JJ, Walker HW, Lee MY. Systematic literature review of abobotulinumtoxin A in clinical trials for lower limb spasticity. Medicine 2016;95(2):e2468.
Dennis EL, Wilde EA, Newsome MR, Scheibel RS, Troyanskaya M, Velez C, Wade BSC, Drennon AM, York GE, Bigler ED, Abildskov TJ, Taylor BA, Jaramillo CA, Eapen B, Belanger H, Gupta V, Morey R, Haswell C, Levin HS, Hinds SR. 2nd, Walker WC, Thompson PM, Tate DF. ENIGMA Military Brain Injury: A Coordinated meta-analysis of Diffusion MRI from Multiple Cohorts. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging 2018:1386-1389.
Florindez LI, Carlson ME, Pyatak E, Blanchard J, Cogan AM, Sleight AG, Hill V. Diaz J, Blanche E, Garber SL, Clark F.A qualitative analysis of pressure injury development among medically underserved adults with spinal cord injury. Disabil Rehabil. 2019; 8:1-7. doi.10.1080/09638288.2018.1552328. (Epub ahead of print)
Garber SL. The Prepared Mind. 2016 Eleanor Clarke Slagle Lecture. American Journal of Occupational Therapy 2016;70(6):1-17.
Lee DH, Yoon SH, Lee MY, Kwack KS, Rah UW. Capsule-preserving hydrodilatation with corticosteroid versus corticosteroid injection alone in refractory adhesive capsulitis of shoulder: A randomized controlled trial. Arch Phys Med Rehab 2017;98(5): 815-821.
Moon YE, Lee MY, Kim DH. Preventive effect of a vapocoolant spray on propofol-induced pain: a prospective, double-blind, randomized study. Journal of Anesthesia 2017;31(5): 703-708.
Scheibel RS, Zambrano-Vazquez L, Jia-Richards M, May GJ, Meyer EC, Nelson SM. High-fidelity measures of whole-brain functional connectivity and white matter integrity mediate relationships between traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms. Journal of Neurotrauma 2018;35 (5):767-779.
Krishnan S, Brick R, Karg P, TzenY-T, Garber SL, Sowa G, Brienza D. Predictive Validity of the Spinal Cord Injury Pressure Ulcer Scale (SCIPUS) in Acute Care and Inpatient Rehabilitation following Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury. NeuroRehabilitation 2016;38: 401-9.
Newsome MR, Wilde EA, Bigler ED, Liu Q, Mayer AR, Taylor BA, Steinberg JL, Tate DF, Abildskov TJ, Scheibel RS, Walker WC, Levin HS (2018). Functional brain connectivity and cortical thickness in relation to chronic pain in post-911 veterans and service members with mTBI. Brain Inj. 2018;32(10):1236-1244.
Newsome MR, Mayer AR, Lin X, Troyanskaya M, Jackson GR, Scheibel RS, Walder A, Sathiyaraj A, Wilde EA, Mukhi S, Taylor BA, Levin HS. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2016 Jul;22(6):631-42[SA1] .
Newsome, MR, Durgerian S, Mourany L, Scheibel RS, Lowe MJ, Beall EB, Koenig KA, Parsons M, Troyanskaya M, Reece C, Wilde EA, Fischer BL, Jones SE, Agarwal R, Levin HS, & Rao SM (2015). Disruption of Caudate Working Memory Activation in Chronic Blast-Related Traumatic Brain Injury. NeuroImage: Clinical, 8:543-53.
Newsome MR, Scheibel RS, Mayer AR, Chu ZD, Wilde EA, Hanten G, Steinberg JL, Lin X, Li X, Merkley TL, Hunter JV, Vasquez AC, Cook L, Lu H, Vinton K, Levin HS. (2013). How functional connectivity between emotion regulation structures can be disrupted: preliminary evidence from adolescents with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. Sep;19(8):911-24.
Newsome MR, Steinberg JL, Scheibel RS, Troyanskaya M, Chu Z, Hanten G & Levin HS (2008). Effects of traumatic brain injury on working memory-related brain activation in adolescents. Neuropsychology, 22, 419-425.
Pappadis MR, Sander AM, Lukaszewska B, Struchen MA, Leung P, Smith DW. Effectiveness of an educational intervention on reducing misconceptions among ethnic minorities with traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2017;98(4):751-758.
Richards T, Clark S, DaPace Wong SJ, Cohen HS, Garber SL. Brief Report-Nurturing the prepared mind: Research during Level II fieldwork. American Journal of Occupational Therapy 2020; 74, 7401345020.
Sander AM, Clark AN, Arciniegas DB, Tran K, Leon-Novelo L, Ngan E, Bogaards J, Sherer M, Walser R. A randomized controlled trial of acceptance and commitment therapy for psychological distress among persons with traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, epub ahead of print 15 May 2020
Sander AM, Boileau Nr, Hanks RA, Tulsky DS, Carlozzi NE. Emotional suppression and hypervigilance in military caregivers: Relationship to Negative and Positive Affect. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 2020;35:e10-e20.
Sander AM, Clark AN, van Veldhoven LM, Hanks R, Hart T, Leon-Novelo L, Ngan E, Arciniegas DB. Factor analysis of the Everyday Memory Questionnaire in persons with traumatic brain injury. The Clinical Neuropsychologist 2018;32(3):495-509.
Sander AM, Maestas KL, Pappadis MR. A multicenter study of sexual functioning in spouses/partners of persons with traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2016;97(5):753-759.
Scheibel RS. Functional magnetic resonance imaging of cognitive control following traumatic brain injury. Frontiers in Neurology 2017;8:article 352. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2017.00352
Scheibel RS, Pastorek NJ, Troyanskaya M, Kennedy JE, Steinberg JL, Newsome MR, Lin X, Levin HS. The suppression of brain activation in post-deployment military personnel with posttraumatic stress symptoms. Brain Imaging and Behavior 2015;9:513-526.
Sherer M., Nick TG, Sander AM, Melguizo M, Hanks R, Novack TA, Tulsky D, Kisala P, Luo C, Tang X. Groupings of persons with traumatic brain injury: A new approach to classifying traumatic brain injury in the post-acute period. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 2017;32(2):125-133.
Sherer M, Sander AM, Maestas KL, Pastorek NJ, Nick TG, Jingyun L. Accuracy of self-reported length of coma and post-traumatic amnesia in persons with medically verified traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2015;96:652-658.
Skelton-Dudley, F, et al. Spinal Cord Injury Provider Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Bacteriuria Management and Antibiotic Stewardship. PM R. 2020 Apr 18. doi: 10.1002/pmrj.12384. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 32304350
Skelton-Dudley, F, Doan, J, Suda, K, et al. Spinal Cord Injury Creates Unique Challenges in Diagnosis and Management of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil 2019;25(4):331-339.
Skelton F, Salemi JL, Akpati L, Silva S, Dongarwar D, Trautner BW, Salihu HM. Genitourinary Complications are a Leading and Expensive Cause of Emergency Department and Inpatient Encounters for Persons with Spinal Cord Injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2019 Sep;100(9):1614-1621. Epub 2019 Mar 30. PMID: 30935942
Skelton, F, Grigoryan, L, Holmes, SA, Poon, IO and Trautner BW. Routine Urine Testing at the Annual Evaluation Leads to Unnecessary Antibiotic Use: A Pilot Study and Future Directions. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2018 Feb;99(2):219-225. Epub 2017 Oct 26. PMID: 29107038
Sleight AG, Cogan AM, Hill VA, Pyatak EA, Diaz J, Florindez LI, Blanchard J, Vigen C, Garber SL, Clark FA. Factors protecting against pressure injuries in medically underserved adults with spinal cord injury: A qualitative study. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil 2019; 25:31-40.
Naik, AD, Skelton, F, Amspoker, A, Glasgow, RE and Trautner BW. A 鈥淔ast and Frugal鈥 Approach to Antimicrobial Stewardship. PLoS One. 2017 Mar 28;12(3):e0174415. eCollection 2017.
Wu GA, Garber SL, Bogie KM. Utilization and user satisfaction with alternating pressure air cushions: a pilot study of at-risk individuals with spinal cord injury. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2016;11(7):599-603.
Robinson-Whelen, S., Hughes, R. G., Taylor, H. B., Markley, R., Vega, J. C., Nosek, T. M., Nosek, M. A. (2020). Promoting psychological health in women with SCI: Development of an online self-esteem intervention, Disability and Health Journal, 13 (2):100867. doi: 10.1016/j/dhjo.2019.100867
Hughes, R. B., Robinson-Whelen, S., Raymaker, D., Lund, E. M., Oschwald, M. M., Katz, M., Starr, A., Ashkenazy, E., Powers, L. E., & Nicolaidis, C., and the Partnering with People with Disabilities to Address Violence Consortium (2019). The relation of abuse to physical and psychological health in adults with developmental disabilities. Disability and Health Journal, 12 (2), 227-234. doi: 10.1016/j.dhjo.2018.09.007
Silveira, S. L., Winter, L., Clark, R., Ledoux, T. A., and Robinson-Whelen, S. (2019). Baseline dietary intake of individuals with spinal cord injury who are overweight or obese. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 119 (2), 301-309.
Hughes, R. B., Robinson-Whelen, S., Goe, R., Schwartz, M., Cesal. L., Garner, K. B., Arnold, K., Hunt, T., McDonald, K. E., and The Safety Project Consortium. (2018). "I really want people to use our work to be safe"鈥sing Participatory Research to Develop a Safety Intervention for Adults with Intellectual Disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability. [Epub ahead of print] doi: 10.1177/1744629518793466
Nosek, M. A., Robinson-Whelen, S., Ledoux, T. A., Hughes, R. S., O鈥機onnor, D. P., Lee, R. E., Goe, R., Silveira, S. L., Markley, R., Nosek, T. M., and the GoWoman Consortium. (2018). A pilot test of the GoWoman weight management intervention for women with mobility impairments in the online virtual world of Second Life. Disability and Rehabilitation.[Epub ahead of print] doi: 10.1080/09638288.2018.1473511
Wen, H., Chen, Y., He, Y., Bickel, C. S., Robinson-Whelen, S., and Heinemann, A. W. (2017). Racial differences in weight gain: A 5-year longitudinal study of persons with spinal cord injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, [Epub ahead of print] doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2017.11.005
Silveira, S. L., Ledoux, T. A., Robinson-Whelen, S., Stough, R., and Nosek, M. A. (2017). Methods for classifying obesity in spinal cord injury: A review. Spinal Cord, 55 (9), 812-817.
Platt, L., Powers, L., Leotti, S., Hughes, R. B., Robinson-Whelen, S., Osburn, S., Ashkenazy, E., Beers, L., Lunda, E. M., Nicolaidis, C. (2017). The role of gender in violence experienced by adults with developmental disabilities. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 32 (1), 101-129.
Nosek, M. A., Robinson-Whelen, S., Hughes, R. B., & Nosek, T. M. (2016). An internet-based virtual reality intervention for enhancing self-esteem in women with disabilities. Rehabilitation Psychology, 61(4), 358-370.
Robinson-Whelen, S., Taylor, H. B., Feltz, and Whelen, M. (2016). Loneliness among People with Spinal Cord Injury: Exploring the Psychometric Properties of the 3-item Loneliness Scale. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 97, 1728-1734.
Jayaram P, Liu C, Dawson B, Ketkar S, Patel SJ, Lee BH, Grol MW. Leukocyte-Dependent Effects of Platelet Rich Plasma on Cartilage Loss and Thermal Hyperalgesia in a Mouse Model of Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis.Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2020 Jul 3:S1063-4584(20)31055-4..PMID: 32629163
Jayaram P, Yeh P, Patel SJ, Cela R, Shybut TB, Grol MW, Lee BH. "Effects of Aspirin on Growth Factor Release From Freshly Isolated Leukocyte-Rich Platelet-Rich Plasma in Healthy Men: A Prospective Fixed-Sequence Controlled Laboratory Study." American Journal Of Sports Medicine. 2019 March ; : Pubmed PMID: 30888847
Jayaram P, Ikpeama U, Rothenberg JB, Malanga GA "Bone Marrow Derived and Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy in Primary Knee Osteoarthritis." PMandR Journal. 2018 July ; : Pubmed PMID: 30010050
Jayaram P, Kennedy DJ, Yeh P, Dragoo J "Chondrotoxic Effects of Local Anesthetics on Human Knee Articular Cartilage - A Systematic Review." PMandR Journal. 2018 : Pubmed PMID: 30676699
Stone AE, Grol MW, Ruan MZ, Dawson B, Chen Y, Jiang MM, Song IW, Jayaram P, Cela R, Gannon F, Lee BH "Combinatorial Prg4 and Il-1ra gene therapy protects against hyperalgesia and cartilage degeneration in post-traumatic osteoarthritis.." Human Gene Therapy. 2018 : Pubmed PMID: 30070147
Recent Major Research Awards
Our faculty are recognized in research-related, as clinical awards. See a listing of recent awards below.
Susan Garber, M.A., OTR, FAOTA, FACRM
- Eleanor Clarke Slagle Lectureship Award, American Occupational Therapy Association (highest academic award from AOTA, given to me for my research in pressure injuries), 2015
- Named one of the 100 most influential occupational therapists of the profession, American Occupational Therapy Association, 2017
Michael Lee, M.D., MHA
- Revision of Deep Vein Thrombosis Guideline Development Panel, Member, Spinal Cord Injury Medicine Consortium, 2011 鈥 2017
Mary Newsome, Ph.D.
- Ad-hoc grant reviewer, VA (Clinical Service Research & Development, Mental Health and Behavioral Sciences) 6/2015
- Ad-hoc grant reviewer, VA (Clinical Service Research & Development, Mental Health and Behavioral Sciences/Clinical Trials) 12/2015
- Ad-hoc grant reviewer, VA Clinical Science Research & Development (CSR&D) 2018
- Internal Reviewer, Malcom Randall VA Medical Center (Gainesville, Florida), 6/2018
- Ad-hoc grant reviewer, National Center for Complementary and Integrated Health (NCCIH)/NIH Training and Education Review Panel, 3/2019
- Williams MW, Waelde L, Bannister J, Laird C, Diaz M, Newsome MR (presenter). Functional Connectivity of Mindfulness and Mantra for Veterans with PTSD and mTBI: Preliminary Results of a Randomized Control Trial. Paper presented at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) 34th Annual Meeting. (Submissions rated among the top 20% were accepted.) November 8 - 10, 2018, Washington DC.
Angelle Sander, Ph.D., FACRM
- Chair-Elect, Brain Injury Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2020-2022
- Mitchell Rosenthal Memorial Lecture, 42nd annual Williamsburg Brain Injury Conference, in recognition of outstanding contributions to the field of Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation, May, 2018
- PM&R Faculty Research Excellence Award, 草榴社区入口, June, 2018
- Brain Injury Association of America鈥檚 William Fields Caveness Award, in recognition of an individual who, through research on both a national and international level, has made outstanding contributions to bettering the lives of persons with brain injury, October, 2018
Felicia Skelton. M.D.
- 草榴社区入口 Center of Excellence in Health Equity, Training and Research. Junior Faculty Scholar, 1-1-2018 to 6-30-2018
- The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw), Infectious Disease Control Programme Grant Review Panel, March, 2020
- VA RR&D review panel #8 (career development awards) ad hoc member, 2020-present
- Research to Impact for Veterans (RIVR): Data to Improve Veterans鈥 Outcomes in SCI/D Annual Evaluation Task Force, 2020-present
- Society for Hospital Epidemiology of America, Research Committee Member, 2019-present
- Association of Academic Physiatrists, Rehabilitation Medicine Scientist Training Program, 2011-2017
- Excellence in Research Faculty Award, 草榴社区入口 Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2019
- Excellence in Research Faculty Award, 草榴社区入口 Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2017
Consumer Focused Products
View a listing of consumer-focused products produced by the PM&R department such as fact sheets, webinars, videos, educational manuals that are targeted toward the education of patients, their caregivers and/or treating professionals.
Hart T, Sander AM. Memory and moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center, 2017.
Hart T, Sander A. Memory and traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2017;98(2):407-408.- individual education pages
Ingles, L Newsome, MR, Tang, Z, Lane, D, Martin, RC (2002). Language.
Maestas KL, Sander AM. Parenting for Adults With Traumatic Brain Injury. TIRR Memorial Hermann.
Sander AM- featured lectures in video Change in Memory After TBI. Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center website.
Sander AM, Maestas KL. Sexuality after traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2014;95:1801-1802.- individual education pages
Sander AM, Maestas KL. Sexuality After TBI. TBI Model Systems Fact Sheet. Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center, 2011.
Sander AM, Maestas KL. Addressing Sexuality in Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation: A Guide for Professionals. .
Sander AM, Moessner AM, Kendall KS, Pappadis MR, Hammond FM, Cyborski CM. Sexual functioning and satisfaction after traumatic brain injury: An educational manual.
Sander AM. Picking Up the Pieces After TBI: A Guide for Family Members.
Hot Topic Presentations
The following are presentations on hot topics in the research area of physical medicine and rehabilitation.
The February 2018 RehabCast features Dr. Felicia Skelton talking about her work on antibiotic stewardship in SCI.