
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Obstetrics and Gynecology Residents Wellness Initiative


During September 2020, the Resident Wellness Initiative was started to directly address the components of burnout in our residents. This initiative includes both faculty and resident-driven components.

The faculty-driven portion of the Resident Wellness Initiative includes:

  • Two faculty wellness champions

The resident-driven portion of the Resident Wellness Initiative includes:

  • Resident Wellness Committee consisting of one resident from each class and subcommittees to plan activities utilizing resident wellness fund
  • Senior resident/junior resident mentor pairs
  • Wellness Wednesdays: time off during regularly scheduled didactics for residents to complete necessary activities such as doctor's appointments, grocery shopping, or group activities
  • Quarterly Book Club

Baylor’s Obstetrics and Gynecology Program educates all residents to recognize fatigue, alertness management, and overall well-being to provide the best care to our patients. Wellness is a core institutional priority at Baylor College by providing the resident’s resources for self-screening of burnout, mental health, and substance abuse. For more information, visit:

Wellness Publication 

Seeland G, Williams B, Yadav M, Bowden E, Antoniewicz L, Kilpatrick CC, Mastrobattista JM, Ratan BM. Implementation and Evaluation of a Comprehensive Resident Wellness Curriculum During the COVID-19 Pandemic.  J Surg Educ. Epub: 21 Dec 2023.


Wellness Committee Faculty


Joan Mastrobattista, M.D.

Item Definition

Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine

Bani Ratan, M.D., EdD.

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Associate Professor
Division of Obstetric Specialists


Wellness Committee Residents


Nadia Fayoumi, M.D.

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Resident (PGY-4), Obstetrics and Gynecology

Courtney Wang, M.D.

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Resident (PGY-3), Obstetrics and Gynecology

Lauren Greenwood, M.D.

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Resident (PGY-2), Obstetrics and Gynecology 

Victoria Huynh, M.D.

Item Definition

Resident (PGY-2), Obstetrics and Gynecology

Mohammad Maktabi, M.D.

Item Definition

Resident (PGY-2), Obstetrics and Gynecology