
Department of Neurology

Clinical Neurophysiology Fellowship Curriculum




Over the course of a year, the fellows schedule will be broken down as follows:




Neurophysiology fellows have one month dedicated to electives. Fellows will have two weeks of sleep included in this time. Adult fellows will have a sleep elective primarily based out of Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center while pediatric fellows will spend most of their sleep elective at Texas Children’s Hospital. There are two weeks of dedicated time performing EMGs and spending time in the neuromuscular clinic and a 1 week focused clinical experience in intraoperative monitoring.


Scholarly Activity


Fellows have on average ½ day per week dedicated to scholarly activity. Fellows are expected to identify a research mentor during the first three months of their fellowship and work with their mentor on a scholarly activity. Prior fellows have presented their findings at the annual American Epilepsy Society or American Clinical Neurophysiology Society meetings with submission for subsequent publications.

Fellows are also expected to work on a quality improvement project at Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center, Michael E. DeBakey Veterans’ Affairs Medical Center, or Texas Children’s Hospital under the supervision of a faculty mentor aimed at improving inpatient and/or outpatient practice. This should involve clinical care of patients with epilepsy, EEG interpretation/performance, intraoperative monitoring, epilepsy monitoring unit care or other aspects or clinical neurophysiology and epilepsy.

At the end of the year, there will be noon conferences dedicated to the fellows presenting their scholarly activity and QI projects.




Fellows will have ample opportunity to prepare for the ABPN board examinations over the course of the year through didactics and practice examinations. Fellows are scheduled to take an in house in-service examination developed by our faculty in December. CNP fellows will also take the in February.


Training Sites


Fellows interested in the 12-month, ACGME clinical neurophysiology fellowship at Baylor will have the option of selecting a fellowship with an emphasis on EEG interpretation or a dual track, offering a balanced exposure to EEG and EMG. Adult fellows will have one month experience on the pediatric side and pediatric fellows spend one month in the adult hospitals.