
Department of Molecular Virology and Microbiology

Postdoctoral Fellowship Sources of Support


Postdoctoral fellows may gain financial support by mentors, individual NRSA, or training grants.


Most frequently the mentor provides the support for the fellow from his/her individual research grant(s). This support is arranged through the individual mentor selected.

These opportunities are most often available through one of the two following sources:

  • Investigator-initiated research grants (RO1s)
  • Individual NRSA Awards made to the trainee (NIH)

Contact the Investigator


To determine if an investigator has funding and/or lab space available for a postdoctoral trainee, directly contact the investigator whose research interests match those you wish to pursue. Work out with this individual whether funding can be provided from laboratory sources, or if they will sponsor you in the submission of an Individual NRSA proposal.

Please note that all arrangements for postdoctoral positions must be made with the prospective mentor. Prospective trainees may not apply directly to the department.

Trainees must:

  • Have earned the Ph.D., M.D., or D.V.M. degree
  • Arrange a postdoctoral position with an individual mentor
  • Citizenship or permanent resident status may be required, depending on the funding source
  • To initiate an application, contact the mentor of interest

Required Information


Trainees may be asked to provide the mentor with the following information:

  • A minimum of three letters of recommendation including letters from previous research mentor(s)
  • A transcript from their graduate program, documenting performance in coursework
  • A transcript from their undergraduate program, documenting performance in coursework
  • Evidence of performance on the Graduate Record Examination and Advanced Subject Test

Support by Individual NRSA and Other Special Grants


A number of opportunities are available for the individual to apply for support that is awarded to the applicant.

NRSAs are the most common of these grants to support postdoctoral studies is the National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (F32).Additional information about the NRSA award can be found at: Individual NRSA Postdoctoral Awards.

A number of other awards are available from NIH for those that meet certain criteria. More information on these awards can be found at: .

The Office of Research at ²ÝÁñÉçÇøÈë¿Ú may be able to provide additional funding opportunities, based on individual interests and/or background. View the Office of Research site for information.


Support by Training Grants


Selected faculty members participate on training grants administered through other departments. Contact individual faculty to determine if they are eligible for trainee support on other training grants.