
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology

Molecular and Cellular Biology Primary Faculty


Investigators below have their main faculty appointments within the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology at 草榴社区入口.


Margaret A. Goodell, Ph.D.

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Professor and Chair
Mechanisms that regulate normal and malignant hematopoiesis, particularly with regard to DNA methylation
Margaret Goodell Lab

Rachel Arey, Ph.D.

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Assistant Professor
Molecular mechanisms of learning, memory, and complex behaviors. Molecular genetic analysis of genes involved in age-related cognitive decline
Rachel Arey Lab

Blair Benham-Pyle, Ph.D.

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Assistant Professor 
The Benham-Pyle lab uses the highly regenerative flatworm Schmidtea mediterranea to study stem cells, whole-body regeneration, and cancer prevention. 

Andre Catic, M.D., Ph.D.

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Assistant Professor
How protein quality control impacts transcription, translation, and metabolism with relevance to aging and cancer
Andre Catic Lab

Eric Chang, Ph.D.

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Associate Professor 
Translational research on how estrogen receptor positive breast cancer cells acquire treatment resistance and turn metastatic
Eric Chang Lab

Xi Chen, Ph.D.

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Associate Professor
Function and mechanism of Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) protein quality control machinery in cancer progression, metastasis and therapy resistance

Cristian Coarfa, Ph.D.

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Associate Professor
Achieving biological insight via integrative analysis, interpretation, and visualization of large scale multi-omics datasets, and enabling of scientific advancements via collaborative tools and computing platforms

Clifford Dacso, M.D.

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Clinical metabolomics, biosensors

Alan Davis, Ph.D.

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Associate Professor
Characterizing a new stem-like cell in bone that immediately proceeds the chondro-osseous progenitor that becomes both chondrocytes and osteoblasts
Alan Davis Lab

Bruno Di Stefano, Ph.D.

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Assistant Professor
Understanding the post-transcriptional & epigenetic mechanisms that govern stem cell potency and cell fate decisions

Kyle Eagen, Ph.D.

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Assistant Professor
Molecular mechanisms of DNA folding with a focus on how linear patterns of histone modifications impact three-dimensional chromosome structure
Kyle Eagen Lab

Dean Edwards, Ph.D.

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Mechanism of action and structure analysis of steroid hormone receptors and role of progesterone receptors in mammary gland and breast cancer
ATC Core Labs

Richard Finnell, Ph.D.

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In vivo and in vitro multi-dimensional models of neural tube closure defects and whole genome investigations of complex human birth defects
Richard Finnell Lab

Daniel Gorelick, Ph.D.

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Associate Professor
How environmental endocrine disrupting compounds, toxicants and pharmaceuticals influence embryonic development and cause congenital anomalies
Dan Gorelick Lab

Sang Han, Ph.D.

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Associate Professor
Molecular mechanism of nuclear receptors and nuclear receptor coactivators in female reproductive diseases progression

H. Courtney Hodges, Ph.D.

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Assistant Professor
Mechanisms of ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling and transcription regulation. 3D models of cancer. Systems biology of SWI/SNF complexes.
H. Courtney Hodges Lab

Pengxiang Huang, Ph.D.

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Assistant Professor
Role of lipids and mechanisms of signal transduction in the Hedgehog and Wnt pathways

William Hudson Ph.D.

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Assistant Professor
Understanding the causes of T cell dysfunction in order to develop new immunotherapies for cancer and other diseases

Jason Lee, Ph.D.

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Assistant Professor
Mechanisms and functions of contact sites between membrane-bound organelles and membrane-less organelles

Yi Li, Ph.D.

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Molecular and cellular mechanisms of breast cancer initiation, progression and metastasis and cancer stem cells
Yi Li Lab

David Lonard, Ph.D.

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Role of steroid receptor coactivators in the regulation of transcription and to develop inhibitors to target them

John Lydon, Ph.D.

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Associate Professor
Cellular and molecular mechanisms that enable embryo implantation into the endometrium to establish a pregnancy

Michael Mancini, Ph.D.

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Professor and Core Director
Image-based single cell approaches to study ER/AR-mediated transcription by high content analysis (HCA) using numerous state-of-the-art platforms

Shailaja Mani, Ph.D.

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Associate Professor
Molecular mechanisms of steroid hormone action in brain function. Sex differences in stress neurobiology using omics approaches and mouse models.
Shailaja Mani Lab

Sean McGuire, M.D., Ph.D.

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Associate Professor


Item Term
Mary Kathryn McKenna

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Neil McKenna, Ph.D.

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Associate Professor 
Applying biocuration to archived 'omics datasets to mechanize cellular signaling pathways

Anthony Means, Ph.D.

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Bert O'Malley, M.D.

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TC Thompson Professor and Chancellor
Hormone action; receptor coactivators; 3-D structures of NR-CoA complexes; CoAs in metabolic, CVS, oncogenic diseases; CoAs as therapeutic targets

Ronald Parchem, Ph.D.

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Assistant Professor
Stem cells and regenerative medicine; role of miRNAs in development and disease; environmental and genetic causes of birth defects

Frederick Pereira, Ph.D.

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Associate Professor
Understanding human auditory and neuronal function disorders; developing pharmacologic, gene or cell-based therapies relevant to aging and cancer

Nagireddy Putluri, Ph.D.

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Associate Professor
Metabolomic profiling of tumors to obtain biochemical insights into cancer progression
Nagireddy Putluri Lab

Joshua Riback, Ph.D.

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Assistant Professor
Biophysics of biological condensates; Role of condensates in forming RNP-complexes and reorganizing the cell in response to diverse stimuli

Joanne Richards, Ph.D.

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Molecular mechanisms by which key signaling pathways regulate ovarian cell gene expression and alter cell fate decisions

Kevin Roarty, Ph.D.

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Assistant Professor
Wnt pathway biology; mammary development; breast cancer heterogeneity and plasticity; collective migration; mechanisms of breast cancer metastasis
Kevin Roarty Lab

Jeffrey Rosen, Ph.D.

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C.C. Bell Distinguished Professor of Molecular & Cellular Biology
Mammary gland development and breast cancer; Wnt and Fgf; translational regulation; immune microenvironment; epigenetic reprogramming of EMT
Jeffrey Rosen Lab

David Rowley, Ph.D.

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Role of mesenchymal stem cells in the reactive stroma tumor microenvironment; osteogenic niche and progression of cancer to therapeutic resistance

Carolyn Smith, Ph.D.

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Professor and Dean, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Negative regulation of estrogen receptor function; ER and coactivator interactions; breast and bladder cancer; graduate education

Arun Sreekumar, Ph.D.

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Metabolic re-wiring associated with prostate and breast cancer progression as well as in cancer health disparities
Arun Sreekumar Lab

Zheng Sun, Ph.D.

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Associate Professor
Neuroendocrine regulation of metabolism; epigenome and circadian clock in neurocognition; exercise, diet, and toxins in resilience
Zheng Sun Lab

Jeanine Van Nostrand, Ph.D.

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Assistant Professor
Role of metabolic checkpoints triggered by AMPK and mTORC1 signaling in cancer and metabolic disease

Cheryl Walker, Ph.D.

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Professor and Director, Center for Precision Environmental Health
Role of gene environment interactions in diseases such as cancer, fibroids and NAFLD. Effects of early environmental exposures on the epigenome
Cheryl Walker Lab

Margot Williams, Ph.D.

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Assistant Professor
Molecular mechanisms of vertebrate embryogenesis using genetic, live imaging, and synthetic embryology approaches in zebrafish
Margot Williams Lab

Jianming Xu, Ph.D.

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Gordon Cain Endowed Professorship in Cell Biology
Cell signaling and gene regulation mechanisms. Molecular and Cellular biology of steroid hormone promoted cancers. Gene editing in cells and mice

Xiang Zhang, Ph.D.

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Professor and William T. Butler M.D. Endowed Chair
Breast cancer metastasis, bone microenvironment and metastasis, tumor immune microenvironment, resistance to immunotherapies, novel precision therapies
Xiang Zhang Lab