
Department of Medicine

Faculty Appointments and Promotions Committee


This important committee carefully reviews faculty appointments and applications for promotion and advises the chair prior to review by the parent Baylor Faculty Appointments and Promotions Committee. This review process is invaluable, and it has greatly increased the number of faculty promotion approvals from the parent committee. Your committee service is important to the department and your contribution through your service will be appreciated. Dr. Robert Atmar is the chair of the committee. The term of service is three years.

Committee Members
Robert AtmarInfectious DiseaseChair
Kristina WhitworthEpidemiologyMember
Hana El SahlyVirology & MicrobiologyMember
Joey FisherGeneral MedicineMember
Richard HamillInfectious DiseasesMember
Martha MimsHematology-OncologyMember
Waqar QureshiGastroenterologyMember
Chris Amos, M.D.EpidemiologyMember
Nadia IsmailGIM/Ben TaubMember
George Taffet, M.D.GeriatricsMember
Glenn LevineCardiologyMember
Venkata BandiPulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep MedicineMember
Sylvia HysongHealth Services ResearchMember
Zheng SunEndocrinology, Diabetes, and MetabolismMember
Sai SarideyNephrology Member
Venkata BandiPulmonaryMember
Kanta VelamuriPulmonaryMember
Taylor PriceDepartment, Admin SupportMember
Sanjjv SurImmunology, Allergy, and Rheumatology  Member

The Department of Medicine FAP Committee meetings are to be held on the third Monday at 4 p.m. on the dates above (unless otherwise designated).


  • All Committee Members
  • Section Chiefs
  • Service Chiefs
  • Administrative Contacts

Incomplete recommendations and recommendations received in the Department of Medicine, chair鈥檚 office (al-dom-hr-team@bcm.edu) after the paperwork deadline will be held over for the next meeting. The chair of the FAP Committee must approve recommendations requiring immediate review in order to be placed on the agenda. If approval is granted, it will be the responsibility of chair鈥檚 office to duplicate the recommendation and distribute it to the committee members.