Below is a snapshot of peer-reviewed journals that publish health professions educational research.
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Journal | Article Types |
Audience: International; Primarily Undergraduate Medical Education Cost: No required cost; Option for Open Access for fee | |
Audience: International; Medical Education Cost: No required cost; Option for Open Access for fee | |
Audience: International; Medical Education Cost: No required cost; Option for Open Access for fee |
Audience: International; Health Professions Education with focus on Medical Education Cost: No required cost; Option for Open Access for fee |
Audience: All aspects of health sciences education Cost: No required cost; Option for Open Access for fee |
Audience: Educators in medical education Cost: No required cost; Open Access without fee |
Audience: International; healthcare professionals, including undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing education Cost: Required article-publication charges; Open access journal | |
Audience: Medical educators and researchers interested in Graduate Medical Education (GME) Cost: No required cost; Open Access without fee |
Audience: International; health professions Cost: Required article-publication charges; Open access journal |
*Format-Free Submission |
Audience: All who teach in healthcare Cost: No required cost; Open Access without fee |
Audience: For clinicians and others who are involved in education in a healthcare setting Cost: No required cost; Open Access without fee | *Format-Free Submission |
Audience: Those engaged in medical education practices and development including basic science, clinical, and postgraduate medical education Cost: Required article-publication charges; Open access journal |
Audience: Health professionals, health professions educators learners, healthcare researchers, policymakers, community leaders and administrators from all over the world. Cost: No fee for submission but not sure if there is an article publication fee |
Audience: Faculty, researchers, graduate students and other distinguished professionals conducting educational research Cost: No required cost; Option for Open Access for fee |
Audience: Studies of education and learning in various contexts (early childhood to post-secondary) Cost: Required article-publication charges ($500-1,000); Open access journal. There is no charge for submitting a paper to AERA Open. |
Audience: STEM professionals Cost: Required article-publication charges ($250-$1,000); Open access journal. There is no charge for submitting a paper to Journal of STEM Outreach. |
Audience: International audience from academia, professionals and industrialists. Basic and applied research on general engineering, materials science, agricultural and biological sciences, computer science and mathematics. Cost: Required article-publication charges ($125); Open access journal. There is no charge for submitting a paper to JARST. |
Audience: Cell biology education researchers Cost: Required article-publication charges ($2,100); Open access journal. There is no charge for submitting a paper to CBE Life Sciences Education. |
Audience: Focus on health education and health promotion research, policy development and practice. Does not review papers on aspects of medical, nurse or paramedical education, nor do they accept papers which focus on knowledge, perceptions, opinions or behaviours (without a health education focus) in relation to specific public health issues. Cost: No required cost; Option for Open Access for fee |
Audience: International audience; focus on science curriculum, instruction, learning, policy and preparation of science teachers with the aim to advance our knowledge of science education theory and practice. Cost: No required cost; Option for Open Access for fee |
Audience: International audience focused on the teaching and learning of science in school settings ranging from early childhood to university education. Cost: No required cost; Option for Open Access for fee |
Cost: $75 per published page for non members |
Audience: Multidisciplinary journal in subject-content education that focuses on the study of teaching and learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Cost: Required article-publication charges ($1000+); Open access journal |
Audience: Interdisciplinary journal in subject content education focusing on research in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education. Cost: No required cost; Option for Open Access for fee |
Audience: Educators in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education Cost: The fee for the first ten (10) pages plus the author biographies is $495. Each additional page is US $45. |