- Professor
Houston, TX US
- Professor
Houston, Texas United States
- Duncan Neurological Research Institute (Office)
Room: DNRI-1325
Houston, TX 77030
United States
- Postdoctoral Fellowship at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
- 12/2008 - New York, New York United States
- Postdoctoral Fellowship at New York University School of Medicine
- 12/2006 - New York, New York United States
- Postdoctoral Fellowship at University Of Oxford
- 12/2004 - Oxford, United Kingdom
- Ph.D. from University Of Calgary
- 01/2003 - Calgary, Canada
Professional Interests
- Developmental origins of neurological diseases; ataxia; dystonia; tremor; in vivo electrophysiology; deep brain stimulation; genetics
Professional Statement
The major goal of my research is to determine the biological bases underlying pediatric neurological diseases. Precise neural circuitry is required for proper brain function. Over the last decade I have shown that circuit organization is a fundamental feature of the mammalian brain and genetic defects that disrupt the formation of organized circuits may cause behavioral deficits observed in human conditions. My current efforts are focused on establishing a wiring diagram for brain circuit map alterations in mouse models of ataxia, dystonia, and tremor.There has been much progress in identifying genes that are thought to be susceptibility loci in for specific conditions. Despite our rapidly advancing knowledge of the genetic mechanisms underlying these disorders, we do not have a clear picture of what cellular and molecular mechanisms guide neural circuit mis-wiring nor do we appreciate how neural signals are encoded in these defective circuit maps. We see a fundamental problem arising. If we do not understand how brain connectivity is affected, no therapy can be tailored to treat these devastating neurological disorders.
To this end, I am using a combination of mouse molecular genetics, neuroanatomical tract tracing and various developmental biology approaches to investigate the developmental origins of disorders that affect circuit formation. Moreover, we are incorporating into our studies novel in vivo electrophysiology, optogenetics, and deep brain stimulation (DBS) techniques, which will expedite our understanding of how neuronal activity and morphogenetic programs are integrated with gene networks to form functional brain circuits. Using these approaches we have found key circuit pathways that may control brain behavior in multiple disorders and we have uncovered interesting new avenues for restoring motor behavior by modulating brain function.
VIICTR Research Database
Selected Publications
- Sillitoe RV, Benson MA, Blake DJ, Hawkes R "." J. Neurosci.. 2003 Jul 23;23(16):6576-85. Pubmed PMID:
- Marzban H, Sillitoe RV, Hoy M, Chung SH, Rafuse VF, Hawkes R "." J. Neurocytol.. 2004 Jan;33(1):117-30. Pubmed PMID:
- Sillitoe RV "." Cerebellum. 2012 Dec;11(4):828. Pubmed PMID:
- Sillitoe RV, Hulliger M, Dyck R, Hawkes R "." Brain Res.. 2003 Jul 4;977(1):41289. Pubmed PMID:
- Sillitoe RV, Malz CR, Rockland K, Hawkes R "." J. Anat.. 2004 Apr;204(4):257-69. Pubmed PMID:
- Reeber SL, White JJ, George-Jones NA, Sillitoe RV "." Front Neural Circuits. 2012;6:115. Pubmed PMID:
- Sakai N, Insolera R, Sillitoe RV, Shi SH, Kaprielian Z "." J. Neurosci.. 2012 Oct 31;32(44):15377-87. Pubmed PMID:
- Oberdick J, Sillitoe RV "." Cerebellum. 2011 Sep;10(3):301-6. Pubmed PMID:
- Sanchez M, Sillitoe RV, Attwell PJ, Ivarsson M, Rahman S, Yeo CH, Hawkes R "." J. Comp. Neurol.. 2002 Mar 5;444(2):159-73. Pubmed PMID:
- Sillitoe RV, Marzban H, Larouche M, Zahedi S, Affanni J, Hawkes R "." Prog. Brain Res.. 2005;148:283-97. Pubmed PMID:
- Sillitoe RV, Vogel MW "." Schizophr Bull. 2008 Mar;34(2):212-9. Pubmed PMID:
- Sillitoe RV, Gopal N, Joyner AL "." Neuroscience. 2009 Sep 1;162(3):574-88. Pubmed PMID:
- Sillitoe RV, Stephen D, Lao Z, Joyner AL "." J. Neurosci.. 2008 Nov 19;28(47):12150-62. Pubmed PMID:
- Sillitoe RV, Vogel MW, Joyner AL "." J. Neurosci.. 2010 Jul 28;30(30):10015-24. Pubmed PMID:
- Reeber SL, Gebre SA, Sillitoe RV "." Brain Struct Funct. 2011 Sep;216(3):159-69. Pubmed PMID:
- Sillitoe RV, Chung SH, Fritschy JM, Hoy M, Hawkes R "." J. Neurosci.. 2008 Mar 12;28(11):2820-6. Pubmed PMID:
- Sillitoe RV, Joyner AL "." Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol.. 2007;23:549-77. Pubmed PMID:
- Demilly A, Reeber SL, Gebre SA, Sillitoe RV "." Cerebellum. 2011 Sep;10(3):409-21. Pubmed PMID:
- Gebre SA, Reeber SL, Sillitoe RV "." Brain Struct Funct. 2012 Apr;217(2):165-80. Pubmed PMID:
- Reeber SL, Sillitoe RV "." J. Comp. Neurol.. 2011 Jun 15;519(9):1781-96. Pubmed PMID:
- Sarna JR, Larouche M, Marzban H, Sillitoe RV, Rancourt DE, Hawkes R "." J. Comp. Neurol.. 2003 Feb 10;456(3):279-91. Pubmed PMID:
- White JJ, Sillitoe RV "." Front Neuroanat. 2013;7:9. Pubmed PMID:
- Chung SH, Sillitoe RV, Croci L, Badaloni A, Consalez G, Hawkes R "." Neuroscience. 2009 Dec 29;164(4):1496-508. Pubmed PMID:
- Reeber SL, Gebre SA, Filatova N, Sillitoe RV "." J Vis Exp. 2011;(57) Pubmed PMID:
- Benson MA, Sillitoe RV, Blake DJ "." Trends Neurosci.. 2004 Sep;27(9):516-9. Pubmed PMID:
- Esapa CT, Waite A, Locke M, Benson MA, Kraus M, McIlhinney RA, Sillitoe RV, Beesley PW, Blake DJ "." Hum. Mol. Genet.. 2007 Feb 1;16(3):327-42. Pubmed PMID:
- Jeong YG, Rosales JL, Marzban H, Sillitoe RV, Park DG, Hawkes R, Lee KY "." Neuroscience. 2003;118(2):323-34. Pubmed PMID:
- Larouche M, Diep C, Sillitoe RV, Hawkes R "." Brain Res.. 2003 Mar 7;965(41276):159-69. Pubmed PMID:
- Sillitoe RV, Hawkes R "." J. Histochem. Cytochem.. 2002 Feb;50(2):235-44. Pubmed PMID:
- White JJ, Reeber SL, Hawkes R, Sillitoe RV "." J Vis Exp. 2012;(62) Pubmed PMID:
- Str酶mme P, Dobrenis K, Sillitoe RV, Gulinello M, Ali NF, Davidson C, Micsenyi MC, Stephney G, Ellevog L, Klungland A, Walkley SU "." Brain. 2011 Nov;134:3369-83. Pubmed PMID:
- Sillitoe RV, K眉nzle H, Hawkes R "." J. Anat.. 2003 Sep;203(3):283-96. Pubmed PMID:
- "An optimized surgical approach for obtaining stable extracellular single-unit recordings from the cerebellum of head-fixed behaving mice.." ;
- "Pathogenesis of severe ataxia and tremor without the typical signs of neurodegeneration.." ;
- "An optimized surgical approach for obtaining stable extracellular single-unit recordings from the cerebellum of head-fixed behaving mice.." ;
- "Mossy Fibers Terminate Directly Within Purkinje Cell Zones During Mouse Development.." ;
- "Knowledge gaps and research recommendations for essential tremor.." ;
- "Consensus Paper: Cerebellar Development.." ;
- "伪-Synuclein expression in the mouse cerebellum is restricted to VGluT1 excitatory terminals and is enriched in unipolar brush cells.." ;
- Sillitoe RV, Benson MA, Blake DJ, Hawkes R. "A voltage-gated calcium channel regulates lysosomal fusion with endosomes and autophagosomes and is required for neuronal homeostasis.." J Neurosci. 2003 Jul 25;23(16):6576-85.
- "Bergmann Glia are Patterned into Topographic Molecular Zones in the Developing and Adult Mouse Cerebellum.." ;
- "Cerebellar zonal patterning relies on Purkinje cell neurotransmission.." ;
- "In vivo analysis of Purkinje cell firing properties during postnatal mouse development.." ;
- "New roles for the cerebellum in health and disease.." ;
- "Pumilio1 haploinsufficiency leads to SCA1-like neurodegeneration by increasing wild-type Ataxin1 levels.." ;
- "Redefining the cerebellar cortex as an assembly of non-uniform Purkinje cell microcircuits.." ;
- "The small GTPases RhoA and Rac1 regulate cerebellar development by controlling cell morphogenesis, migration and foliation.." ;
- "Development of the cerebellum: from gene expression patterns to circuit maps.." ;
- "Establishment of topographic circuit zones in the cerebellum of scrambler mutant mice.." ;
- Society for Neuroscience
- American Physiological Society
- Society for Research on the Cerebellum and Ataxias
- Synaptic origins of cerebellar disease - #NS089664 Grant funding from NINDS
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