

A011401/BWEL: Evaluation of the Role of Weight Loss in Adjuvant Treatment of Overweight and Obese Women with Early HER2-Negative Breast Cancer (H-46618)



This study is being done to see if losing weight may help prevent breast cancer from coming back. Previous studies have shown that women who are overweight or obese when their breast cancer is diagnosed have a greater risk of their breast cancer recurring.

Participants are randomized into one of two groups:

  • Group 1: Participants will get a 2-year health education program designed to give women more information about their breast cancer and their general health. Participants will receive a cookbook, a subscription to a health magazine, and mailings 2-4 times per year of educational materials and materials to support a healthy lifestyle. Participants will also receive a study newsletter quarterly and will be able to take part in webinars or teleconferences twice a year that provide information about new updates in breast cancer.
  • Group 2: Participants will get the health education program described above and will also get a 2-year weight loss program that is designed to help women lose about 10% of their starting weight by decreasing calories and increasing exercise.

IRB: H-46618




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