
Department of Urology

Resident Spotlight: Christina Fakes, M.D.


What is your favorite memory of residency?

We were recently hit by a hurricane here in Houston where we lost power for a day and cases were canceled. Several of the residents live in the same building, so we had a "storm party" where we got together and played board games to pass the time during the storm.

Why did you choose urology?

I chose urology because I really enjoy the variety of issues we treat, and the variety of surgeries we perform. It is also very rewarding to provide a surgical solution to treat a patient's issue. It's also really exciting to be on the cutting edge of a lot of surgical innovation as we have introduced using the Single Port robotic system as well as many new, innovative therapies for BPH and stone surgery.

What drew you to the BCM Scott Department of Urology?

The first thing that caught my attention was the resident group. The residents seemed to have so much fun in the program even though they were also working really hard. It was obvious that they were all good friends in addition to being co-workers, which has held true for me as well since I've joined the team. The other thing I noticed about Baylor is that the residents have really incredible autonomy both in and out of the OR, with excellent attending support, which makes for a really unique learning opportunity. The Baylor education is really unmatched!

What's your favorite thing and/or spot in Houston?

My favorite thing about Houston is all the amazing food! You could eat at a different restaurant every week and still not try them all in 5 years. I also really enjoy having warm weather for most of the year, it's really nice to be able to get outside and go for a walk or to the pool even in November and December.

What is one new thing you started in residency that you hadn't done before?

I have started playing pickle ball! I'm not very good, but we have a resident group that goes to play several times per week whenever people are available.